Portable Two Color Infrared Thermometer

Portable Two Color Infrared Thermometer

A Two-Color or Ratio IR Thermometer uses two, separate but close wavelengths, both seeing the same hot target simultaneously and the ratio of the Radiant Energy in these two wavelengths is used to compute the Temperature. Normally any obstruction will reduce the Radiant energy in both wavelengths equally, hence the ratio of the remaining energy reaching the detector will remain same, enabling correct temperature measurement. TIPL Two-color thermometer is provided with Through-the-lens sighting optics which enables the operator to look through an eyepiece and see the hot target. This allows the eye to actually see the area the detector is measuring.

Two Color/ Ratio Infrared temperature measurement technique

No influence of window glass material, changes in surface finish/ emissivity (due to degree of oxidation), smoke, steam/ water vapor and dust on the measured temperature value

Visual, focusable optical aiming viewfinder with measured target area indicated by a circle, easy to use

With a high D:S ratio of 250:1, small target can be accurately measured

Display with backlight, enables use at night

5 measurement modes (Real, Max., Avg., Min. & Dif.)

1000 with data storage capabilities, USB interface to download data


Scientific Research

Iron & Steel Metallurgy



Industrial Furnace

Temperature Range : IRP1RVFDUOM - 600 ̊C ~ 1800 ̊C, IRP1RVFEUOH - 1000 ̊C ~ 3000 ̊C, IRP2RVFDUOM & IRP2RVFBUOH - 400 ̊C ~ 1200 ̊C

Repeatability : ±1 ̊C

Slope (Emissivity Ratio) Emissivity : 0.80 to 1.30 (Two Color Mode) 0.10 to 1.30, color (Single Color Mode)

Measuring Distance : 0.6 m ~ ∞

Response Time : 0.1 sec

Display Resolution : 1 ̊C

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