Infrared Thermometer

Infrared Thermometer

Portable Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer IR130VH is the ideal diagnostic tool for quick basic temperature checks in applications where a technician is close to the target object. This handheld portable tool enables maintenance professionals to research heating and ventilation problems, monitor the status of electrical motors, electrical panels electrical equipment, insulated walls and pipes, heating, ventilation and refrigeration systems all from a safe distance.

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Infrared T...

Range : (-) 50°C - 1300°C

D:S Ratio : 50:1

Response Time : <0.15 Sec.

High & Low Audible Alarms

20 Points Data Logging

Datahold (7sec) and Data Recall (Max, Min, Diff, Avg & Log)

General Maintenance
Process Temperature Measurement

Electrical Maintenace

Troubleshoot Engine Problems

Building Controls

Temp. Range : -(-)50°C~1300°C

Spectral Resonse : 8 – 14μm

Accuracy : (-)50°C ~ (-)20°C : ±7°C (typical); (-)20°C ~ 0°C : ±4°C; 0°C ~ 100°C : ±2.5°C; 100°C ~
200°C : ±1% rdg ±1°C, 200°C ~ 400°C : ±1.5% rdg ±1°C; 400°C ~ 1300°C : ±2% rdg ±1°C

Resolution : 0.1°C < 1000°C, 1°C > 1000°C on backlit dual row LCD display

Response Time : <0.15 Sec.

Distance to Spot Ratio (D:S) : 50:1 (Calculated at 90% energy)

Laser Pointer : Dual, Class 2, <1mW power

Emissivity : Adjustable 0.10~1.00

Operating Voltage : 9V

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