Infrared Thermometer

Infrared Thermometer

IROP20 LT is a Portable Infrared Thermometer whose temperature ranges from 0 to 1300°C. This handheld portable tool enables maintenance professionals to research heating and ventilation problems, monitor the status of electrical motors, electrical panels electrical equipment, insulated walls and pipes, heating, ventilation and refrigeration systems all from a safe distance.

Double laser and scope sighting/ MAX-, MIN-function / HIGH-, LOW-alarm 


Data logger

USB interface

Accessories: Hard case, USB interface cable, OptrisConnect Report software, Battery charger

General Maintenance

Process Temeperature Measurement

Electrical Maintenace

Building Controls

Temperature Range : 0-1300 °C

D:S ratio : 120:1

Spectral Response : 8-14 µm


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