High Accuracy LCR Meter

High Accuracy LCR Meter

High Accuracy Benchtop LCR Meter

Adopts true-color TFT-LCD and features continuous frequency with resolution of 0.001Hz

Four parameters can be measured simultaneously, any parameter can be set arbitrarily. Both primary & secondary parameters can be displayed on 6 digit display.

Powerful LCR meter which can not only scan 10 types of frequency or voltage level list, but also correct three groups of user frequency so as to improve the accuracy and performance.

Research and Calibration Laboratories

Educational Institutes

Parameter Combination : Cs-Rs, Cs-D, Cp-Rp, Cp-D, Lp-Rp, Lp-Q, Ls-Rs, Ls-Q, Rs-Q, R-X, Z-θrad, Z-θdeg

Parameters : Z, D, Q, θr, θd, R, X, G, B, Y, Vac, Iac, Δ, Δ%

Accuracy : 0.05% ± 5 dgt

Frequency : 10Hz - 300kHz (continuous frequency, frequency resolution 0.001Hz)

Measurement Range : -

L : 0.00001μH - 999999H
C : 0.00001pF - 999999μF
R,Z : 0.00001Ω - 99.9999MΩ
D : 0.00001 - 9.99999
Q : 0.00001 - 99999.9
Δ% : (-) 999999% - (+) 999999%
Ø(deg) : (-) 179.999°- (+) 179.999°
Ø(rad) : (-) 3.14159 - (+) 3.14159

Source Resistance : 30Ω, 50Ω, 100Ω

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